Leadership That Stimulates Change

LEADERSHIP THAT STIMULATES CHANGE focuses on the critical relationship between leadership, employee engagement and delivering an exceptional customer experience as a competitive advantage.

Bill is recognized as the Performance Excelerator™ because of his uncanny ability to create profound change and deliver extraordinary results with the most demanding organizations.

As a senior executive with over 30 years experience, he works with senior leaders to navigate change and influence and inspire higher performing, customer-focused cultures that create long-term, profitable relationships with your customers and excelerate performance and productivity with leaders and employees.

VIDEO: What If…Leadership: Pushing Beyond The Ordinary to Achieve the Extraordinary

VIDEO: What If…Leadership: Pushing Beyond The Ordinary to Achieve the Extraordinary

Check out my recent video that speaks to the importance of challenging our thinking to push beyond doing the same things and expecting a different outcome -- and really asking ourselves "What's Stopping us?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCno1_SN0PA Click here to find out how Bill can get your team Fired Up & Focused and help you push beyond the norm and achieve desired outcomes. For more information about having Bill speak about this topic at your next event, visit Kickass Keynotes

Communication Corner – Stop Emailing and Pick up the Phone

Communication Corner – Stop Emailing and Pick up the Phone

Recently I was working with a client and was reminded just how destructive email can be when used incorrectly. Like many companies, their standard form of communication is email. They are spread across Canada and internationally. People work together who never meet, and the default form of communication for all issues is email. The problem is that people will often say things by email they would never say to your face. People use email to avoid dealing with conflict -- it's easier to fire off an email than deal with the issue head-on. Plus, there is always a record -- the ultimate "cover your ass". Too often emails don't get at the substance of the issue -- or important elements do not get addressed because they rightly should not be put on paper. Words on paper can often be misunderstood by the recipient, causing escalation when none...

5 Essential Characteristics that Differentiate Leaders from Managers

5 Essential Characteristics that Differentiate Leaders from Managers

Often people use the terms leaders and managers interchangeably. But nothing could be further from the truth! Anyone can become a manager, merely by awarding the title. Anyone can be given the responsibility for the oversight of a team, or a company function. That makes them a manager -- but that is simply a name. A leader, on the other hand, must be earned and recognized by one's peers. A leader inspires, encourages, builds up their team—and everyone else around them—and makes them better, simply by association. There are numerous characteristics that differentiate leaders from managers. While some of the differences are subtle, others are distinct and easily recognized. And while there is no training manual or instruction book that accurately depicts the steps to becoming a leader, here are five characteristics that every good leader...

VIDEO: Fired Up & Focused: Stimulating Change for Passion, Productivity and Performance

VIDEO: Fired Up & Focused: Stimulating Change for Passion, Productivity and Performance

In this presentation, Bill shares why most change initiatives fail and shares his experience of the 3 key elements necessary to drive sustainable change in any organization. If you are serious about improving passion and productivity with your people -- and bottom line results -- then CHANGE is essential. Watch the 90 minute simultaneous webcast of a live presentation at 2015 CSAE | Canadian Society of Association Executives National Conference. https://youtu.be/bi-YQxefKrw   Click to watch this video on YouTube Bill provides world class executive consulting, dynamic keynote presentations, transformative workshops and high stakes facilitation. Bill is a Professional member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) and the Global Speakers Federation (GSF). Click here to find out...

Leadership Tips – 5 Ways Managers Should Support Their Employees

Leadership Tips – 5 Ways Managers Should Support Their Employees

It’s essential that staff receive support or they can’t do their job properly. Support isn’t limited to merely work-related aspects of the job but to other things such as morale and recognition as well. There are plenty of different ways employers can support their staff. Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind in your work environment.   1. Training is vital It’s crucial that staff receive all necessary training when they start a job and also ongoing training as often as required. It’s also essential that training is consistent for all staff members. It’s not acceptable for answers to vary from one employee to another because this can cause confusion and further problems. Proper training is inevitably what makes better quality employees. 2. Positive work environment Whether you work in a call centre, an office or a retail store,...

A 3-Step Process for Creating a Sustainable Performance Culture

A 3-Step Process for Creating a Sustainable Performance Culture

It’s no secret that all leaders want to have a higher performing culture. We want to meet our business goals and objectives, have a culture that attracts top talent, and be a place where people find value and enjoyment in their work. But getting to this point is easier said than done, and how you go about creating a new organizational culture is dependent on what your culture looks like today and what you want it to look like in the future. Word of caution - Even if things are fine now, it surely doesn’t mean they always will be – this is why you need to invest in the development of a strong performance culture that will yield sustainable results. Don’t start if you are not prepared to see it through. Creating a sustainable performance culture is a long term and ever evolving process. The real hard work starts when the initial...

Let’s Talk Leadership with Bill Hogg: Brian Bentz CEO PowerStream Part 3

Let’s Talk Leadership with Bill Hogg: Brian Bentz CEO PowerStream Part 3

Finding the right fit when hiring is essential to creating a strong organizational culture. However, many new hires, and even employees with years of service, often struggle to find where they fit within the company culture, pecking order and operations plans beyond knowing which tasks are to be completed. In the previous blog post, we discussed the company’s mergers and acquisition strategy and some of the struggles they’ve gone through. In this interview, Brian Bentz, CEO of PowerStream Inc., builds on this and discusses aligning goals to company objectives and positions within the company to help people understand where they fit within the organization. Organizations often times will write a job description, and they will say, "Well, here's what you do," and what it frankly is a collection of tasks.  When you do this, people become...

Leadership Tips – Customer Service Training Is For Managers Too

Leadership Tips – Customer Service Training Is For Managers Too

Good managers know that customer service is the lifeblood of any successful company. It’s costly to run a business that is dependent on “new” customers. It’s far more cost efficient to focus on converting customers into repeat/loyal customers through exceptional and consistent customer service.

Start, Stop, Do Different

Start, Stop, Do Different

Many people are familiar with the expression, Start, Stop, Do Different from personal evaluation processes -- those regularly scheduled reviews by our supervisor. Management will often use this outline to give us feedback about our performance. But I also think it should be used more regularly, both personally and with colleagues. No leader improves without feedback and personal introspection. So rather than waiting for a formal review by a supervisors, consider asking your colleagues these questions: What should I start doing? What activities or behaviours should I add into my daily activities to provide more leadership to my team? What should I stop doing? What behaviours are unproductive or are interfering with my ability to positively influence others? What should I do differently? What can I do differently to lead my team to...