Bill Has Walked In Your Shoes And Has The Battle Scars To Prove It
Bill is a shareholder/owner of one of the most successful franchise start-ups in Canada, which has expanded to more than 650 locations across North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
This has given him a unique insider’s view of what it takes to be successful as a Franchisor and Franchisee and offered him valuable insight into the workings of organizations and the minds of franchisee owners and customers.
He has spoken to franchisees in Canada, USA and as far away as New Zealand and Australia.
Bill’s keynote address was a high point of our Annual Conference. It was surprising, funny and inspirational, but he also challenged assumptions that resulted in fresh, actionable ideas that are building stronger teams and creating loyal customer relationships.
Nelson Lang, Founder,
Pita Pit International
Bill is very personable, knows how to get people excited about customer service and is an excellent speaker. At the end of his presentation he received a standing ovation from our staff, and we received numerous requests to bring him back. We hired Bill again this year and dedicated a full-day. Again, he was fantastic!
John Going, Partner, VP Operations
PRO-TAX, Charlottesville, Virginia
Bill worked with us to re-organize how we build partnerships with our franchisees and develop our coaching group. This has led to stronger, more influential relationships that allows us to build greater accountability with our franchisees and bring our concept to market more consistently.
Throughout the process, he challenged us to take different angles and approaches to how we evaluated and reacted to the environment. He is thought provoking and not afraid to challenge ideas. Throughout the entire process he inspired buy-in from all stakeholders and resultant was able to stimulate multiple ideas and then articulate and simplify them into workable solutions.
His encouragement and sense of humour made tasks enjoyable yet professional. His passion for what he does and the way he shares it sets him apart and left us wanting more.
Brett Ingham, Coaching & Operations Manager,
Pita Pit New Zealand