VIDEO: Bill Talks About Expectations

This video is a segment from a longer video created for a client who wanted to on-board their new employees with a consistent message about the culture and expectation of the organization. Bill talks about the role of expectations and how they convert into behaviours...
Transformational Leadership Tips: 5 Steps to Customer Service Glory

Transformational Leadership Tips: 5 Steps to Customer Service Glory

We all know that providing exceptional customer service is the stated goal of every business leader, regardless of how large or small the company. It’s common knowledge that customers are more loyal to companies who treat them as more than just a number. Sadly, the personal touch customers want — and deserve — is often lost in the daily grind of doing business… especially in larger companies. Too often the leaders do not model the very behaviours they expect from their teams.

3 Reasons Why Customer Service Should Exceed Expectations

3 Reasons Why Customer Service Should Exceed Expectations

This is the fourth in a series of six articles that looks at different aspects of excellent customer service and how it leads to increased overall profitability. The full series will be available for download as a white paper once it is completed. In our last article,...
Why Employees Need Guidelines Not Just Rules

Why Employees Need Guidelines Not Just Rules

Rules are an essential part of any business. Rules are necessary to ensure we make intentional decisions. While there’s nothing wrong with this in principle, there are always going to be situations where a certain degree of flexibility is essential because people are unique. The way they react to situations is also unique and if you’re trying to offer great customer service, you have to be flexible enough to respond to their needs. So, apart from rules that tell an employee what they can or can’t do, it’s also essential that employees have guidelines as well. These guidelines will provide the boundaries that allow your employees to make decisions for the benefit of the customer — and the organization — without having to seek a supervisor’s approval every time.

VIDEO: Relationships Create Loyalty

Bill talks about the importance of building emotionally driven relationships — sensitive to the unique needs and desires of your customers — if you want to build loyalty. This video is a segment from a longer video created for a client who wanted to...