Leadership Skills: 5 Expectations Your Team Has For You As A Leader

Leadership Skills: 5 Expectations Your Team Has For You As A Leader

Leaders help to create powerful, cohesive teams that enable organizations to achieve their targets. Part of being a great leader is understanding what the members of your team expect from you. You can use that knowledge to become a better leader and make them an even stronger team that can achieve anything.

VIDEO: Bill Talks About Character Vs. Competence

This video is a segment from a longer video created for a client who wanted to on-board their new employees with a consistent message about the culture and expectation of the organization. Bill talks about the importance of hiring for character/attitude first —...
Leadership Toolbox: The Power of Parables as a Leadership Tool

Leadership Toolbox: The Power of Parables as a Leadership Tool

These stories have been passed down from generation to generation through story-telling — each story with its own significance and message. What makes these messages so important is that a key message is embedded into the story, which illustrates or demonstrates the message. Modern fairy tales and fables often contain similar messages that help children learn accepted and wise behaviours.

3 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Aptitude

3 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Aptitude

Being a leader is a way of life, not a job position. Leaders come from all walks of life, in all shapes and sizes and all levels of the organization. A leader will inspire you and encourage you to become better. A manager or a boss may simply anger you. Regardless of the feelings a leader incites, one thing rings true — a good leader inspires you to action.